The Reallexikon in Figures
- 15 volumes in 67 fascicles covering more than 8.700 pages
- 9.421 articles and 3.508 cross references
Article Categories
3.789 | geographical names |
3.661 | deity names |
1.697 | proper names (mostly names of kings) |
967 | articles on religion and culture |
455 | articles on objects and realities |
280 | articles on art |
293 | articles on the discipline’s history |
230 | articles on cuneiform law |
155 | articles on fauna |
110 | articles on flora |
639 | miscellaneous |
The longest Articles
Assyrien | by Franz Heinrich Weißbach | 75 pages |
Datenlisten | by Arthur Ungnad | 65 pages |
Maße und Gewichte | by Marvin Powell | 63 pages |
Prolific Writers
Erich Ebeling | 2.307 articles | one of the two original editors, contributing to the first three volumes articles of all categories |
Manfred Krebernik | 1.302 articles | covering also almost all deities names from the letter L |
Antoine Cavigneaux | 499 articles | Mostly as co-author of Krebernik for deities names initials L |
Dietz Otto Edzard | 424 articles | in various categories |
Wilfred G. Lambert | 345 articles | mostly deities names |
Heinrich Otten | 335 articles | on Asia Minor |
Eckhard Unger | 260 articles | on Archaeology and Geography |
Franz Heinrich Weißbach | 183 articles | on Ancient Near Eastern History |
Gernot Wilhelm | 174 articles | on Asia Minor |
Michael P. Streck | 155 articles | in various categories |
From: Michael P. Streck: Von „A, Gottheit des Wassers“ bis „Zypresse“. Jahrhundertwerk abgeschlossen. In: Akademie Aktuell, Heft 1/2018